“Is this it?” My friend Bernie asked her son from her hospital bed. “Yes, mom, it looks like this is it.” In typical Bernie fashion, she declared, “I’m ready!” A few hours later, my dear Bernie entered eternity. She was ready. Two days earlier at our Bible Study she told us, I didn’t think I would still be here. Bernie had a complicated heart surgery in January of 2022, followed by a stroke, and never quite got her strength back. She struggled the final eleven months with anemia, falling, and difficulty walking. Bernie was frail, but her spirit was strong, never wavering in her love and trust in Jesus.
She had only been able to attend our weekly study twice during the year. When she called on Monday, we were thrilled to know she wanted to come and quickly made plans for her to be picked up. It was an incredible afternoon and evening. Every study member was in attendance for the first time in months, including three women who had not met her but had heard many of our “Bernie Stories.” We rarely shared a meal after the study, but this night we did. Bernie stayed with us the entire evening, wanting to know from each what God was doing in our lives as she asked, “Tell me about you.” She made each of us bring her up to date. We were filled with joy to have this time with our sister. We never imagined it would be the last time we saw her. She was weak physically but so strong in spirit. The truth is we were shocked and devastated when two days later, she was gone from us. Home with Jesus but gone from us.
We talk of her often. We reflect and thank God for the last evening with her and realize this was a gift from our Lord. A precious gift of time, joy, and fellowship. Each time I look at her picture, tears always well up. Even as I write this, my eyes are misty. We didn’t have enough time with her. Her life impacted each of us in profound ways. It was never about her. She was constantly pushing us to be what God called us to be. All in for Him. Move past our insecurities and fears.
One summer, when our group was looking at our summer schedule. Bernie announced she didn’t want to do a study. She wanted “a summer with Dyann.” She announced that I should be speaking. Therefore, I should be practicing and ready. This summer, I was to prepare, present, and video record a weekly speech to the group. The women would critique me. She brought me props like helmets, walking staff, speakers, and a stand to put my notes on while I spoke. She wanted me prepared. What a gift this was for me. Speaking had been on my heart, but I hesitated to step out. She literally pushed me like a parachute instructor pushing one out of a plane.
One of my favorite Bernie stories was when a neighbor boy, perhaps 7 years old, preparing for “show and tell” at school, announced his “show and tell” was Bernie. Why? Because Bernie had a fabulous garden and he loved her cucumbers which she constantly gave to him. He wanted her to share her cucumbers with the class. True to Bernie’s style, she brought cucumbers from her garden for each child and a large basket filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables, different sizes, colors, fragrance, taste, and texture. She used this opportunity to share how God made each child special and unique. There is no doubt those children will never forget “show and tell” with Bernie.

Bernie was ready to leave her earthly dwelling. Are you ready? Have you given your life to Jesus? He gave everything for you, prepared the way, and made it possible for you to have eternal life. We never know what day will be our last. Be ready by giving your heart to Jesus, thanking Him for dying for you, and providing through the Holy Spirit continual communion with Him anytime and anywhere. You can finish strong regardless of your physical condition.

“There are no strangers, only friends I haven’t met yet.” Bernie Smith
Personal Parables is the blog of Dyann Shepard. Get Dyann’s complementary study and prayer guide, What to Do When Life Falls Apart. If you need encouragement when navigating life’s unthinkable events, this free 5-day study is for you. Follow Dyann and Personal Parables on Instagram and Facebook. Dyann is available for speaking, guest blogging, and article writing.
Personal Parables Practices
- Am I ready to enter eternity?
- How can I prepare myself to finish strong?
- Will I choose to trust Jesus for each day regardless the circumstances?
Gracious Father, Thank you for giving your son Jesus to me and for me. The way of the cross, His death and resurrection provided my path to you for eternity. Give me the courage to finish strong, always grateful and always praising You. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Scripture for Meditation
II Timothy 1:12b (ESV) – But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.
Philippians 1:21 (AMB) – For to me, to live is Christ [He is my source of joy, my reason to live] and to die is gain [for I will be with Him in eternity].