I love this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus: the lights, music, Christmas plays, and catching up with family and friends. At the same time, it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of gift buying, baking, and events. All worthwhile activities, but they can distract me from the present that means the most, Jesus.
Several years ago, while shopping, I noticed one of the cashiers greeting each customer with a smile so welcoming I moved to her line. She gave each person the gift of joy through her countenance. It was free, and almost always, a big smile returned to her. There was a contagious effect of her attention to each customer. Her offering of joy multiplied as she shared it. God’s gifts are like this. They increase as we experience them and pass them on.
This season, I am trying to be more aware of gifts that are needed, never go out of style, and always fit. The offerings of time, listening, praying, gratefulness, kindness, patience, joy, and, of course, love is perfect for all people and all occasions because they are from the Lord. Sharing the free gifts of God can literally change the trajectory of one’s day and even one’s life.
The Priceless Gifts that Matter
This morning I received another gift in the incredible sunrise that greeted me. It was a reminder of God’s glory expressed daily in the skies and in the announcement of His birth. I wonder how often I miss the beauty of God’s creation when I am busy “doing” instead of “being still” in His presence. It seems ironic to me that God is never too busy for me, His child, but I am often too busy for Him. He knows that as I slow down, rest, and savor His presence, the more I will experience His gift of contentment and peace.

Like beautifully wrapped presents under the tree, God’s gifts of love, joy, and peace, can’t fulfill their purpose until I open them. These offerings of God are not meant to be stockpiled. They literally shrivel up without use. The material presents get lost, broken, or expended but not the gifts of God. These gifts become more plentiful with use. Love creates more love, joy gives rise to joy, and kindness leads to more kindness.

Whichever gifts you receive or give this season, share the ones that never grow old, never wear out, and become more precious as the years go by. The most perfect and most expensive gift we will ever receive is the gift of salvation from God, our Father, through His son, Jesus. From this free gift to us, though very expensive to God, all the other gifts flow.
May you be extravagant in sharing the overwhelming love of God. Enjoy His presence in your life this beautiful season.

Personal Parables is the blog of Dyann Shepard. Get Dyann’s complementary study and prayer guide, What to Do When Life Falls Apart. If you need encouragement when navigating life’s unthinkable events, this free 5-day study is for you. Follow Dyann and Personal Parables on Instagram and Facebook. Dyann is available for speaking, guest blogging, and article writing.
Scripture for Meditation
Merry Christmas! Some verses to enhance your joy this Christmas season. My new post on Gifts at Christmas is here.
Isaiah 9:6 “For a child is born to us, A son is given to us, And the government Is upon His shoulder; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.”
Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is a good medicine.”
Psalm 23:5-6 (CEV) “You fill my cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life.”
Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.”

Psalm 19:1-3
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”
Music for Reflection
Merry Christmas! To celebrate Gifts at Christmas, enjoy some songs of the season!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and all the blessings of a New Year.