Many of you know that I have a book and study of Proverbs coming out soon titled, Wisdom: Capturing the Power of our Words.
In the course of working on the book, I had the chance to talk to several women of different ages and backgrounds. While speaking with them, I started hearing a common refrain, and it broke my heart.
“I just don’t feel like I’m good enough.”
The root of feeling “not good enough”
I am pleased to announce that in response to all those conversations, I’ve developed a 5-day Proverbs Study and Prayer Guide which is available now. Introducing What to Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough, created to examine where these feelings of “not good enough” come from and how to remember the truth about yourself in moments of doubt and anxiety. It’s my hope that you are blessed and encouraged by this study.
Simply enter your name and email in the form below, and the guide will be emailed to you immediately! Be blessed!