March 31, 2022 What Fragrance are You Wearing? Taking walks around our lake is a favorite pastime of mine. Often a woman or young girl will pass by and leave a lingering…
January 14, 2022 New Beginnings and Good Intentions New Beginnings. I don’t know about you, but this is the promise of each January. The Christmas decorations are in their boxes and put…
November 25, 2020 “Jesus looked up and gave thanks.” The year 2020 began with so much promise. There is something optimistic about a new decade. I think we were all shocked at how…
March 23, 2020 Imprisoned Without Bars Last month I shared the stories of my sweet Grandma and dear friend Steve, whose lives shone brightly with the love of Jesus despite…
December 19, 2019 Gifts at Christmas I love this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus: the lights, music, Christmas plays, and catching up with family and friends. At the…
September 25, 2019 Privilege of Prayer Do you ever feel yourself just hurting and you don’t know why? Sometimes there is such a sense of sadness or grief in my…
July 31, 2019 Transformations “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this…
December 19, 2018 The Season of Christmas This time of year is one of the joyful expectations for me. I love the sights, the sounds, and the celebrations with friends and…