May 11, 2023 Are You Living Life Well? Are you living life well? It’s an important question. Recently Lucinda, a friend of mine, received the devastating news that cancer had taken over…
April 6, 2023 Via Dolorosa: A Painful Path, A Distressing or Painful Journey or process The Via Dolorosa began triumphantly. There was excitement in the air; people were laying their garments and palm branches on the road as a…
March 21, 2023 Make Me Worthy Have you ever received a gift and felt “I don’t deserve this?” Last year I received a surprising gift from an unexpected person. I…
February 20, 2023 What Are You Choosing? Are certain seasons or holidays in your life full of contradictions? They are for me. I love Christmas and Easter festivities, but often they…
January 11, 2023 Are You Ready? “Is this it?” My friend Bernie asked her son from her hospital bed. “Yes, mom, it looks like this is it.” In typical Bernie…
December 15, 2022 Hoping and Waiting Do you ever get tired of waiting? I do. I am impatient once I know what I want and when I want it. Not…
November 18, 2022 What’s the Cry of Your Heart? Recently my prayer has been, “Lord give me a pure spirit, a pure heart.” It began when I woke up in the middle of…
October 28, 2022 Indescribable! Recently I was studying Ephesians with new eyes and ears. The only word that makes sense to me is “Indescribable.” Throughout the book, Paul…
September 23, 2022 Does Your Life Matter? Do you ever have thoughts of “does my life matter? Am I impacting anyone? Maybe it’s just the human condition or the fact that…
August 23, 2022 What Delights You? Delight is one of those words that fits its definition. I love saying the word, Delightful! To “delight,” says Webster’s Dictionary, is to “take…